The Phantom and Christine from the 2005 Broadway Play "The Phantom of the Opera," initially penned as a gothic mystery novel by Gaston Leroux in 1909, has evolved from its modest origins into cultural phenomenon. It has inspired countless fanfictions, films, and more notably, Broadway musicals. It follows the story of the young talented Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of the mysterious phantom. The musical maintains much of the book's gothic and dark romantical elements, but in my opinion, it better translates the fantastical appeal of an opera. Phantom of the Opera - 2004 The Novel was transformed into a musical by Andrew Lloyd Weber in 1988. In 2004, the musical was adapted into a film directed by Joel Schumacher, starring Emmy Rossum, Gerard Butler, and Patrick Wilson. This adaptation is among the more popular ones, and its music is what I will be sampling from. The music throughout the film is what drives the film's emotional impact. The vocals, parti...